PTFE, 25% Glass Filled Slide Plates

PTFE, 25% glass filled slide plates are primarily used in low heat and high velocity conditions; however, this material can be used in high heat applications in conjunction with other materials. We also use this type of slide plate where there is high wear resistance, no surface treatments necessary or is unaffected by weather conditions.

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PTFE Standard Assembly

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Slide Plate – PTFE Diagram A


Standard Assembly
2 units of 3/32″ PTFE, 25% glass filled, bonded to 1/8″ carbon steel. For field tack welding. 1/2″ lip. Loads to 2000 PSI, Temperature: -320°F to +500°F


Full Weld Assembly:
2 units of 3/32″ PTFE, 25% glass filled, bonded to indicated backing material with 1/2″ lip all around for full welding. Loads to 2000 PSI, Temperature: -320°F to +500°F
PART # — PTP — 3/32″ TFE — 10 Ga. SS — 1/2″ LIP AND SIZE


  • Please specify the dimensions of the upper plate and dimensions of the lower plate. It is common practice that the upper plate is generally larger than the lower plate.
  • Specify lip dimension (if different than the standard 1/2″).
  • Specify base plate thickness (if different than standard 1/8″).



  • Ease of installation.
  • No setting problems.
  • Low coefficient of friction.
  • No surface treatments, grouting, or expensive mechanical attachment necessary.
  • Chemically inert.
  • Unaffected by weather conditions.
  • Ability to absorb dirt and grit within itself.
  • Self-aligning when used in conjunction with elastomeric backing pads.



  • Bridges: Highway bridges, overpasses, railroad bridges.
  • Architectural in Wood, Concrete or Steel: Cross beam and girder slip joints, roof slabs and corbels, vibration pads, airport hangar doors, domes.
  • Industrial: Heat exchangers, dust collectors, heavy machinery, refinery equipment, wind tunnels, penstocks, vessels, pipelines, air preheaters, atomic energy applications, transmission towers, storage tanks, offshore drilling rigs.

Effect Of Temperature


It has been determined from basic testing that the “ideal” thickness of PTFE, 25% Glass Filled, should be 3/32”. If the design engineer follows the given chart (left) for the Effect of Temperature on PTFE, 25% Glass Filled, there will not be a failure.

Coefficient Of Friction

Diagram b

The Coefficient of Friction of PTFE, 25% Glass Filled, slide plates has been reported to be from 0.01 to 0.2. This depends on the surface preparation, loading, velocity, and the duration of the test. Bonding PTFE, 25% Glass Filled, to metal increases the load capabilities in excess of 2,000 PSI (For design purposes, use 500 PSI). This table shows the coefficient of friction due to the load applied. A maximum coefficient of 0.1 can be used in PTFE, 25% Glass Filled, slide bearing designs without considering sliding speed, temperature, or maintenance.


PropertyValueASTM Test Method
MechanicalSpecific Gravity Measured2.1-2.3D638
Water Absorption (%)0.013D570-59T
Hardness, Shore D
@ 78°F
@ 300°F
Wear Factor KLess than 10 x 10-10
Tensile Strength (PSI)2,000 min.D1457-56T
Tensile Elongation200 - 250D1457-56T
Flexural Strength (PSI)606D790-59T
Modules (PSI)2.93 x 105D638
Compressive Strength (PSI)
0.2% offest
Deformation at 78°F, 200 PSI
24 hr.
Permanent Deformation (%)
D621-59 (modified)
Deformation at 78°F, 200 PSI
100 hr.
Permanent Deformation (%)
Coefficient of Friction0.06 for loads
> 500 PSI static
ElectricalDielectrical Strength in air (v per mil)327D149A
Dielectrical Constant @ 60 cps2.63D150-54T
Volume Resistivity (ohm-cm)1013D257-57T
ThermalCoefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (per °F)6.89 x 10-5D694-44
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Conductivity (Btu-In.) hr-sq. (ft. °F)3.12Cenco-Fitch
Continuous Service Temperature550Various
WeatherabilityUnaffectedPhysical exposure


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