
MATERIAL: Cast iron base plate, stand and roll, steel adjusting screws.
SERVICE: To support pipe lines where vertical and lateral adjustment during installation may be required in addition to provision for expansion and contraction.
HOW TO SIZE: If roll is to support bare pipe, select the size from nominal pipe size (see below).
ORDERING: Specify figure number, pipe size, description and finish.

SIZE (inches)MAX. RECOM. LOAD, lbs.WEIGHT per 100
2 — 3 1/23901525
4 — 69501930
8 — 1021003205
12 — 1430755115
16 — 2049807130

25 1/85 3/81 3/41 3/46 7/88 3/85 1/22 3/41 7/81/23 7/86 3/8111/167/811/415/83 7/164
2 1/25 3/85 5/82 1/8
35 3/462 3/8
3 1/266 1/42 5/8
46 1/272 3/42 1/168 1/89 7/85 3/43 3/42 1/161/25 1/87 3/817/81 1/811/415/84 11/164 1/4
577 1/23 3/8
67 5/88 1/84
810 3/811 5/85 1/43 7/1610 5/86 3/463 1/43/47 3/817/81 3/41 1/83/813/475
1011 1/212 3/46 3/8
121314 1/47 1/23 7/8138847/89 1/217/81 3/41 1/83/817/89 1/166
1413 5/814 7/88 1/8
1615 1/416 5/89 3/84 1/414 5/88 5/894 1/21 1/411 1/8111 7/81 1/45/81 3/16110 1/46 1/2
1816 3/817 3/410 3/81 3/8
2017 3/818 3/411 3/8
2419 5/82113 3/84 3/815 3/48 5/8104 7/161 3/812 1/411 1/81 7/81 3/85/81 13/16111 3/86 1/2
302426 3/416 3/45 1/819 1/410 1/212 1/25 1/21 3/415 3/411 1/23 1/41 5/83/41 3/81 1/414 1/48
