ASME Defines Inspection Criteria for High Energy Piping

February 23, 2021

B31.1 Operations and Maintenance

According to ASME B31.1 Chapter VII Par. 140 a program shall be established for the assessment and documentation of the condition of all CPS (Covered Piping Systems) in power plants.

CPS Systems are defined in Chapter 1 Par 100.2, as systems on which condition assessments are to be conducted. This includes the following systems as a minimum.

NPS 4 and larger main steam, hot reheat steam, cold reheat steam, and boiler feedwater piping.

NPS 4 and larger systems that operate above 750°E (400°C or above 1,025 psi (7,100 kPa)


Other systems may be included as CPS by an Operating Company, based on their judgment. Appendix V of the code is titled ‘Recommended Practice for Operation, Maintenance, and Modification of Power Piping Systems’. This addendum is non-mandatory; however many  Power Industry operating companies’ insurance carriers are now invoking Appendix V with increasing frequency, and this is affecting the conditions of their agreements with the operating companies.

Piping Technology and Products Inc. (PT&P) has for some time been performing surveys and assessments in accordance with part H of Par. 140, which requires hot and cold walk-down readings and assessment of pipe supports, operated within the creep regime of the pipe.  These assessments are helpful in identifying, sagging lines, deformation of supports, and damage caused by upset conditions, and/or incidents, attributable to operational malfunctions, dynamic/thermal or hydraulic events.

PT&P has been performing this service for many power generation companies. Preparation of documentation, retrieval, and compilation of files for a CPS assessment, has just been completed for a major U.S power generation company. Ten large power plants were involved, and the original predominantly high-energy pipe support drawings, all engineered and designed by PT&P, were retrieved from PT&P archives dating back ten years.

We will be happy to answer any of your technical questions about our survey capabilities, as well as any other engineering or field services that your organization may need.

If you need assistance, we are available 24×7 for emergencies or reach our field service team directly.


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Field Service Inspection on Constant Spring Supports after 30 Years of Service on an Offshore Platform

March 12, 2018
Constant Spring 30Years Service2 Constant Spring Support After 30 Years Of Service


The use of zinc and galvanizing has a long history. The early patents for hot-dip galvanizing were issued in France and England in 1836 and 1837. This technology was quickly adopted and was widely used in the late-1800s.

In the United States, we have bridges more than 100 years old which have galvanized structures. In addition, we have transmission towers and substation structures that are over 70 years old. A pipe rack at a petrochemical plant near Houston was studied after 28 years of service. Measurements of the zinc thickness remaining provided a forecast of another 60 years of service.

Any coating which provides a barrier to the moisture and oxygen in the air will help protect carbon steel from corrosion. A properly painted surface will provide a barrier, but it is subject to scratching from contact with hard objects.

Constant Spring Support Inspection:

Visually inspect each Constant hanger:

Search for signs of visual cracks, fractures, and corrosion of the spring casing and the following:
(1) beam attachment
(2) pin
(3) constant hanger attachment
(4) pipe clamp attachment
(5) weldless eye nut
(6) threaded rod
(9) spring coil
(10) Check if travel stops are removed

Check (7) turnbuckle (if present), locknuts (8) and other threaded items to ensure they are secured and fastened

Compare the position of the (10) coil with the hot/cold load indicator and operating range of the spring

Check the mobility of the (11) load column


Replacement Criteria:

– Signs of excessive corrosion or fatigue

– Rust damage of entire unit

– Modifications to operating conditions

– Consider condition of components (cam mechanisms, bearings, etc.)

Our field service team is available 24×7 for your quick-turn, emergency needs.

Call Field Service: +1-713-992-7048

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Pipe Support Field Service – Problem Resolution Webinar

May 26, 2016

This webinar is over, view the recording in the webinar archives

Field Service Technician Doing An InspectionIn this Webinar we explore the details of actual case studies focusing on various signs that indicate if a particular support needs replaced or adjusted. The presentation also covers projects that brought on new standard designs and custom designs for specific applications. And lastly, it includes valuable additions and procedures that extend the typical life span of a pipe support. PT&P’s field service division is available 24×7 in the case of an emergency situation or for a scheduled shut down.

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Pipe Support Field Inspection, Installation & Maintenance Webinar

March 12, 2015

This webinar is over, view the recording at: Webinars

Field Service Technician Inspecting A Hydraulic SnubberThis Webinar will focus on installation and maintenance guidelines and offer valuable tips on inspecting a wide variety of pipe supports and expansion joints in your piping system. We will cover various pipe support applications and point out signs that indicate if a particular support needs replaced or adjusted. Obtain the knowledge you need to avoid the possibility of a potentially catastrophic situation. View examples of real world problems and see how we were able to solve them with timely and cost effective solutions.
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Do you have a plant turnaround coming up?

October 24, 2011

Do you have a plant turnaround scheduled or planning one in the near future? PT&P is prepared to be there for you throughout the entire process. From planning, to execution, and follow-up, we have what it takes to accomplish a successful plant turnaround.

Prior to Your Turnaround:
– Call our field service team to assist with plant walk-downs to assess your plant for maintenance, repair or replacement of pipe supports and expansion joints
– Contact our quotations department for immediate pricing on pipe supports, expansion joints, or auxiliary steel needed during the turnaround.
– Consult our experienced engineers for guidance on support placement, materials, finishes, etc. to ensure optimum life of the supports.

During Your Turnaround:
– Use our field service team to guide you through installation, start-up, and replacement to safely and efficiently handle your turnaround.
– For quick delivery, PT&P stocks over 1500 bellows, over 100,000 lb. of insulation materials, over 30,000 spring coils, and over 1 million pounds of standard items

Post Turnaround:
– Receive training to monitor the supports, and identify potential failure, in order to prevent unplanned turnarounds in the future.
– Learn correct size and selection of pipe supports and expansion joints per application for any post-turnaround resolutions.
– Call on our field service team to develop a data book of existing pipe supports and expansion joints and their conditions in order to identify potential maintenance issues in upcoming turnarounds.


Metallic Expansion Joint Refurbished In 2 Days
Metallic Expansion Joint Refurbished in 2 Days

A rectangular metal expansion joint was refurbished  on an emergency   basis for a local chemical plant. Upon arrival, it was acid washed and   dye-penetrant examined for any cracks.  View the full Article

Refurbishment Of 54&Quot; Pressure Balanced Elbow Turbine Crossover Expansion Joints
Refurbishment of 54″ Pressure Balanced Elbow Turbine Crossover Expansion Joints

U.S.   Bellows, Inc. refurbished two pressure balanced elbow expansion joints with a quick turnaround for a power generation plant during outages.   They are designed for high pressure turbine crossover piping. The first 54″ outside diameter expansion joint leaked from a crack in the bellows   causing an unscheduled outage.  View the full article.

4&Quot; Single Expansion Joint
4″ Single Expansion Joint

This expansion joint was received in the morning and shipped to the customer the very same day. The bellows, liner and cover were replaced and the carbon steel parts were sand blasted, cleaned and painted. A dye-penetrant test and hydro-test to 518 PSIG were performed prior to shipment. View the full article.

Same Day Turnaround Service On An 8&Quot; Single Expansion Joint
Same Day Turnaround Service on an 8″ Single Expansion Joint

This expansion joint was received in the morning, refurbished by adding new bellows and limit rods, and then shipped the very same day. New 321 stainless steel bellows were fabricated and the existing flanges were reused by sandblasting and then painting for corrosion protection. View the full article.

Let us assist you on your next plant turnaround. Our field service team is ready to help!


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Why perform a walk-down in your plant?

January 31, 2011

Ever wondered just how important it is to regularly walk through your plant to ensure proper functionality of all pipe supports in the piping system? Understanding the critical nature of properly functioning pipe supports and how they contribute to the overall system, one should thoroughly inspect each component for proper operation during different phases of the life of the unit.

Inspecting A Constant In The Field
Inspecting a Constant During a Plant Walk Down

Check out a recent article we published on the Importance of a Plant Walk Down. Learn what to check for and when to perform certain types of plant walk downs. Use these tools to avoid a failure or potentially catastrophic situation.  See Full Article

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March 2006 News

March 4, 2006

Piping Technology & Products, Inc. Performed Field Services for a Power Generating Plant in Texas

PT&P was contracted to assist in the determination of pipe support maintenance at a power plant in Texas. The constant effort support springs with loads of excess of 9,500 lbs and the variable spring supports with loads of 450 lbs were marked for needing attention.

Inspecting Variable Springs For Performance
Cleaning Variable Spring Unit
Inspecting Variable Springs For Performance
Inspecting Variable Springs for Performance

PT&P’s objectives were to:

* Evaluate the pipe supports
* Determine state of performance
* Provide a plan of action
* Train personnel on-site to perform adjustments and replacement of supports or support components
* Provide final inspection of modified supports

After Cleaning &Amp; Preparation Of The Constant
After Cleaning & Preparation of the Constant
Final Assembly With Added Slide Plates
Final Assembly with Added Slide Plates

The pipe supports needing attention could not be set to the required installation position. A plan was initiated to recondition some of the support components such as turnbuckles and rods. This would allow a greater range of field adjustment to the pipe supports. During a planned shut-down, PT&P Field Service Units returned to the site to modify the existing supports. The initial phase of the modifications included bracing the piping in order to isolate and lock the supports in position. Then, they were disconnected from the system and modifications to the assemblies were completed. Afterwards, the supports were reinstalled and any necessary adjustments were completed. A total of eight pipe supports were modified or adjusted.

Roller Bearing Needing Maintenance
Roller Bearing Needing Maintenance
Restored Roller Bearing
Restored Roller Bearing

Do you see a need for a routine inspection of your plant? Contact us for a quote today!

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September 2005 News

September 4, 2005

New Patent for a High Temperature Support for Insulated Pipes
PT&P has developed a high capacity support for insulated pipes which does not rely on the insulation to carry any of the load. The design has several advantages over previous designs:

Pipe Shoe
Pipe Shoe
  • Since the insulation does not carry any mechanical load, it can be chosen solely on the basis of its thermal properties. In particular, cyclic loading, which has caused insulation failure, is not a problem.
  • The support provides effective restraint for all six possible components of loads, X, Y, Z-Rotational and Translational. In particular, axial and torsional loads are readily accommodated. These represent difficulties for supports which rely on the insulation.
  • It is easily installed in the field. It is attached to the pipe with a standard bolted pipe clamp. Thus there is no field welding.

The support consists of a shoe, similar to the PT&P Fig. 4500 Insulated Shoe Support for Hot Pipe (Hot Shoe) and two clamps, similar to the PT&P Fig. 50 Light Two Bolt Pipe Clamp. Each clamp is attached to the shoe by a steel plate which is designed to carry the design load, and is shape optimized to minimize heat flow from the pipe.

Failed Pipe Shoes

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June 2001 News: Issue 2

June 22, 2001

Take advantage of our currently open shop space!
PT&P and its wholly owned subsidiaries US Bellows and Sweco Fab are manufacturers of a variety of high quality engineered products. We’re open, 24/7, to meet all your quick-turn/ emergency needs! PT&P and its wholly owned subsidiaries US Bellows and Sweco Fab are manufacturers of a variety of high quality engineered products.

PT&P has a system of stock inventory that allows us to quickly assemble and ship products such as:

*Engineered Spring Supports
*Expansion Joints
*Support Assembly Components
*Fabricated Pipe Shoes and Anchors
*Flow Products
*Slide Plates and more!

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PT&P Aids in the Creation of the "Chemical Island"

February 4, 2001

Piping Technology & Products, Inc. supplied more than 3,000 cold shoes, 400 slide plates and numerous more spring hangers, constants and fabricated pipe supports for the construction of a refinery plant on Jurong Island, Singapore. U.S. Bellows, Inc., also supplied many of the expansion joints used in the creation of this refinery.
Jurong Island is a man-made island consisting of four petroleum refineries, 30 petrochemical firms, and many more industrial firms to support its existence.

Tips on Corrosion Protection
There are four methods of protecting carbon steel pipe support components from corrosion; painting, zinc coatings, hot dip galvanizing, and combinations of these.  Painting has an advantage when appearance and choice of color are important. Modern painting systems may be appropriate protection in certain environments. Paint provides a barrier protection to a metal surface. The ability of zinc to provide cathodic protection for carbon steel in addition to barrier protection is a fundamental advantage. In most cases the reduction in life-cycle costs justifies the small additional cost of galvanizing. Indeed painting and galvanizing together can provide a synergistic benefit which may be justified in some cases.  For more information on corrosion, refer to

PT&P’s Diverse Product Testing
Piping Technology & Products, Inc. is a recognized leader in pipe supports, pre-insulated pipe supports, miscellaneous fabrication and expansion joints and has extensive experience with several different types of product testing. This includes :

* Load Testing : The objective of the load test is to determine the maximum load for pipe supports and other products. Load tests are done on an assortment of pipe supports.

* Snubber Testing : The objective of the snubber cycle test is to (1) display the normal wear and tear for a snubber over an extended period of time, and (2) display the resistance to an abrupt disturbance.

* Burst Testing : The objective of the burst test is to determine the ultimate pressure resistance. Primarily conducted on bellows.

See more about testing on our site:  Product Testing

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