Sweco Fab, Inc., the ASME CODE fabrication subsidiary of PT&P, built the forward section of an International Space Station service module for NASA in Fall, 1999. The main purpose for the full-scale mock-up service module will be to replicate the International Space Station for use in astronaut training at NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab (NBL).
The Neutral Buoyancy Lab, located at the Sonny Carter Training Facility near NASA Houston Johnson Space Center (JSC), is a large pool of water used in astronaut training to simulate the gravity conditions in space. The forward section manufactured by Sweco Fab, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Piping Technology & Products, is made up of ASTM A-304L material and weighs approximately 2500 lbs. The unit was on display at NASA’s Inspection Day 1999 and will soon be employed in International Space Station astronaut training.
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