Variable Springs for a Project in Mexico

July 26, 2006
Variable Springs For A Project In Mexico
Variable Springs for a Project in Mexico
Variable Springs For A Project In Mexico
Close Up of G-can

This Type G variable spring was manufactured for a Petrochemical Plant in Mexico. The Type G assembly is formed by welding two standard spring assemblies to the ends of a pair of channels. This type of assembly can accommodate unusually heavy loads, and is especially convenient for avoiding interference in spaces where headroom is limited.

Each spring assembly is loaded per the client’s specification at Piping Technology and Products manufacturing facilities. A travel stop is inserted and strapped in place to maintain the load for the assembly installation. In addition to banding the travel stops, the variables for this project required chained travel stops. The base style (F-Type) variables on this project were also required to have internal guides.

At Piping Technology and Products, Inc. we use PTP-1, PTP-2, PTP-4, PTP-6 and PTP-8 to designate the five standard coil arrangements to increase the working range of travel of variable supports.

Several types of variable supports were made for this particular project. They included Type A, Type B and Type F.

Do you require variable spring supports in your piping system? Get pricing today!

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Pipe Shoes to be Shipped to South Africa

July 19, 2006
Pipe Shoes To Be Shipped To South Africa
Pipe Shoes to be Shipped to South Africa
Pipe Shoes To Be Shipped To South Africa
Cold Shoes Being Assembled

These pre-insulated pipe supports were manufactured for a Houston based engineering and construction company to complete an on-going project in South Africa. The polyurethane foam insulation is wrapped with a vapor barrier to prevent moisture, and the ends are coated with a monolar mastic paint to seal the pores. The carbon steel fabrication that surrounds the insulation has an elaborate three-coat paint system to help protect the steel from corrosion. This design allows for an integral combination of insulation and structural support in one pipe support assembly. It also minimizes labor in the field in regards to the installation of insulation.

Do you require pipe shoes like those described above? Let us price them for you!

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