Custom Carbon Steel Anchors and Shoes

July 25, 2003
Custom Carbon Steel Anchors And Shoes
Custom Carbon Steel Anchors and Shoes

Piping Technology and Products, Inc. fabricated 4702 carbon steel shoes for various pipe sizes ranging from 2” to 10”. As per customer request, the shoes are designed to accommodate 30 PSI compressive strength. A three-coat paint system was applied for corrosion protection. All supports were liquid dye-penetrant tested at 5% of welds.

Custom Carbon Steel Anchors And Shoes
Anchors & Shoes on Shipping Floor

Do you need custom pipe anchors for your current or future project? Let us price them for you today!

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1,520 Spring Assemblies for a Chemical Plant

July 18, 2003
1,520 Spring Assemblies For A Chemical Plant
1,520 Spring Assemblies for a Chemical Plant

PT&P recently manufactured 1,520 PTP-2 and PTP-4 spring hanger assemblies designed specifically for a furnace application. These custom variable springs have welded components as opposed to bolted components found in standard assemblies. Due to the space limitation within the furnace, the spring coils were set in a welded housing which allows for the springs to be closely oriented within a smaller spatial envelope. The pipe hanger assemblies are made from carbon steel, consisting of variable spring, rod, and riser clamp components. Instead of galvanizing, the assemblies were coated with a red-oxide primer due to the high temperature operating conditions of the furnace. This prevents the possibility of molten zinc (from the galvanizing process) contaminating the furnace tubes.

1,520 Spring Assemblies For A Chemical Plant
1,520 Spring Assemblies for a Chemical Plant

The springs are designed for loads of 143 to 660 lbs. and for total travel ranging from 3/4 to 2″. Each assembly was pre-assembled to ensure free movement throughout the spring’s travel range before welding the bottom closure plate. Prior to shipment, all assemblies were calibrated to determine the exact spring rate and then were set to the customer’s designated cold load position. These springs are then located and installed into the furnace based on the spring rate.

Do you see a need for spring assemblies in your piping system? Get a quote today!


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Rotary Valve for a Manufacturing Facility

July 11, 2003

Rotary Valve For A Manufacturing Facility
Rotary Valve for a Manufacturing Facility

Sweco Fab, Inc. recently fabricated a M-1318 Rotary Valve Assembly composed of a stainless steel hopper, double reduction gear, drive cover, and a sprocket & chain drive. The valve is powered by a 1/2 hp, 3 phase electric motor. This particular piece will be used in a plastic processing company. Rotary valves can be fabricated in different assembly formations and can be altered based upon customer needs.

Want to learn more about Sweco Fab and the products manufactured by Sweco? Instantly view a past Sweco webinar now!

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