Snubbers with Yoke Clamps for a LNG Plant

May 31, 2006
Snubbers With Yoke Clamps For A Lng Plant
Snubbers with Yoke Clamps for a LNG Plant

Snubbers With Yoke Clamps For A Lng Plant

Snubbers are restraining devices. They allow free thermal movement during normal operations but restrain in abnormal circumstances such as with an earthquake. These snubbers were fabricated from carbon steel. They measure 2 1/2” x 24” and the yoke clamps have pipe sizes of 23” and 25”. Each snubber weighs 890 lb. and has a travel capacity of 24”. Designed for the support of a cryogenic line, these snubbers can handle loads of up to 2,900 lb.

Want to learn more about snubbers? Instantly view a past snubbers webinar today!

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4 Pig Launchers and Receivers for a Petroleum Company

May 17, 2006
4 Pig Launchers And Receivers For A Petroleum Company
4 Pig Launchers and Receivers for a Petroleum Company

These pig launchers were manufactured from carbon steel. They have a 16 major barrel, 12 minor barrel and measured 121 long. The pig launchers and receivers are used for cleaning piping systems. In addition, the pig launchers and receivers were designed for pressures of 512 PSIG at 100F. Hydro-tests were performed at 666 PSIG and x-ray tests were completed to ensure quality performance.

Do you require pig launchers or receivers in your piping system? Get pricing today!

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U-Type Constants for an Oil Refinery in Taiwan

May 10, 2006


U-Type Constants For An Oil Refinery In Taiwan
U-Type Constants for an Oil Refinery in Taiwan
U-Type Constants For An Oil Refinery In Taiwan
Constants in Assembly

These Figure 200 U-Type horizontal upthrust constants are designed to support piping from below. They are fabricated from carbon steel. These constants were also hot dipped galvanized and then specially painted. In addition, they are able to handle loads of up to 13,600 lbs. Each constant has a capacity of 4 total travel. They range from 55 to 62 long. Load testing and external inspections were completed to ensure the quality of these constants.

Want to learn more about constants? View a constant spring webinar today!


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