6000 lb. Load Hot Shoe with Adjustable Lateral Stops

July 23, 2004
6000 Lb. Load Hot Shoe With Adjustable Lateral Stops
6000 lb. Load Hot Shoe with Adjustable Lateral Stops

6000 Lb. Load Hot Shoe With Adjustable Lateral Stops For An Oil Refinery
Drawing of Custom Hot Shoe

Piping Technology & Products, Inc. recently assisted in the design and fabrication of a special hot shoe with adjustable lateral stops for an oil refinery in LA. The shoe assembly is designed to support loads up to 6000 lb. and to guide pipes that may reach up to 1200°F. The hot shoe consists of a 12 thick mineral wool insulation, an inner clamp surrounded by four load transfer plates, an outer guiding clamp, and four guide assemblies with PTFE, 25% glass filled, slide plates. The load transfer plates provide support and prevent damage to the insulation between the inner and outer guiding clamp.

The guide assemblies (comprised of the four guides on the shoe and the adjustable stops) are designed to account for lateral, vertical, and axial movement. PTFE, 25% glass filled, slide plates are used to minimize friction caused by movement between the shoe and the adjustable stops. The adjustable stops are fabricated from a 1 x 12 x 19 carbon steel plate with four rods and two angles. These allow for flexibility in adjusting the distance/gap within each guide assembly to control movement.

Want to learn more about hot shoes? Watch a pre-insulated support webinar now!

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6600 lb. load PTP-4 Type C Variable Springs with Riser Clamps

July 16, 2004
6600 Lb. Load Ptp-4 Type C Variable Springs With Riser Clamps
6600 lb. load PTP-4 Type C Variable Springs with Riser Clamps

PT&P recently designed and manufactured six, PTP-4-160 type C variable springs with riser clamps for an oil refinery in Texas.  These variable springs are constructed from carbon steel and designed to support loads of 6600 lb. with a total travel of 2″. The clamps are fabricated from A 387 Gr. 22 alloy steel to fit 18″ pipes. Dimensional and fit-up tests were performed on the variable springs and riser clamps prior to shipping.

Do you see a need for variable springs in your current or upcoming project? Get pricing!

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2800 lb. Pressure Vessel for an Oil Refinery

July 9, 2004
2800 Lb. Pressure Vessel For An Oil Refinery
2800 lb. Pressure Vessel for an Oil Refinery
2800 Lb. Pressure Vessel For An Oil Refinery
Close-up of the Explosion Proof Electrical Junction Box

Sweco Fab, Inc. recently designed and fabricated a 2800 lb. pressure vessel for an oil refining company in the United Arab Emirates. This pressure vessel will be used as a dust collector to filter a process fluid for an unleaded gasoline project. The vessel, 30″ in diameter and 14′-11″ OAL, is designed for 150 PSIG and 248°F. Spot radiography, dye-penetrant, and hydrostatic tests were implemented to ensure product quality.

Do you have a requirement for a vessel or tank? Get pricing today!

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