Constants that Support up to 38,800 lbs.

December 17, 2004


Constants That Support Up To 38,800 Lbs.
Constants that Support up to 38,800 lbs.
Constants That Support Up To 38,800 Lbs.
PTP-100 Type C Constant

Piping Technology & Products, Inc. custom designed and manufactured four PTP-100 Type G constants and three PTP-100 Type C constants for a power station in Missouri.  The PTP-100 Type C constants are designed for operating loads of 8,300 lbs. to 25,200 lbs. and have a travel range of 2.5 to 3.5. These constants are fabricated from A36 carbon steel with dimensions ranging from 66×18 to 88×20.

The PTP-100 Type G constants are designed for operating loads ranging from 2,800 lbs. to 38,800 lb. and a travel range of 2.5 to 3.5. They are fabricated out of A36 carbon steel with dimensions ranging from 75×26.5 to 95×50. Standard load and adjustment testing was performed to ensure quality prior to shipping.

Do you require constant spring supports in your piping system? Get pricing now!

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Transition Piece for Olefin Site at Chocolate Bayou

December 10, 2004

Transition Piece For Olefin Site At Chocolate Bayou
Transition Piece for Olefin Site at Chocolate Bayou

Transition Piece For Olefin Site At Chocolate Bayou
Transition Piece in Progress

Sweco Fab, Inc. recently designed and manufactured a 1,900 lb. transition piece for an olefin site at Chocolate Bayou on the Texas Gulf Coast. The product transitions from round to oval and is made of 36″ half pipe construction. The piece measures 36″ x 72″ x 60″ and is constructed of carbon steel. The transition piece will be used to regulate the flow of both air and liquid. Prior to shipping the product was hydrotested to guarantee quality.

Do you require a transition piece in your piping system? Get pricing now!

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