Cylinder Pipe Guides for a Power Plant

October 31, 2005

Cylinder Pipe Guides For A Power Plant
Cylinder Pipe Guides on Shipping Floor

Piping Technology and Products, Inc. designed and fabricated cylinder pipe guides (aka spider guides) for pipes ranging from 1” to 20” in diameter with 1” to 4” of insulation.

Cylinder Pipe Guides For A Power Plant
Cylinder Pipe Guides

These guides are designed to control lateral pipe movement and maintain the alignment of the piping through its axial and contraction cycles. A single piping run uses multiple spider guides to avoid a fulcrum or an imposed lateral deflection on critical components.

Components of these guides include carbon steel plates, stock clamps, angles and hot-dipped galvanized pipes. The outer shields have diameters ranging from 6″ to 29-1/2″. The maximum design temperature for the spider guides is 750°F.

In addition to spider guides, over 40,000 lbs. of material were supplied for this project including variable springs, constants, and miscellaneous structural items.

Cylinder Pipe Guides For A Power Plant
Cylinder Pipe Guides in the Field

Do you require cylinder pipe guides for your current or future application? Get pricing now!

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930 Rod Hangers & Riser Clamps for a Construction Company

October 26, 2005
930 Rod Hangers &Amp; Riser Clamps For A Construction Company
930 Rod Hangers & Riser Clamps for a Construction Company
930 Rod Hangers &Amp; Riser Clamps For A Construction Company
Close-up View

These rod hangers and riser clamps are made of carbon steel. They are capable of supporting 6 to 16 diameter pipes and loads of up to 2,435 lbs. They are used to support and stabilize piping systems and withstand temperatures up to 650 F. The shipment weighed 21,200 lbs.

Do you see a need for rod hangers and/or riser clamps in your piping system? Get pricing now!

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Cold Shoe Pre-Insulated Anchors for an LNG Plant

October 12, 2005
Cold Shoe Pre-Insulated Anchors For An Lng Plant
Cold Shoe Pre-Insulated Anchors for an LNG Plant
Cold Shoe Pre-Insulated Anchors For An Lng Plant
Side View of Pre-Insulated Anchor

These cold shoes are used for anchoring pipelines against movement caused by thermal expansion and by fluid flow in the pipe. The total weight of the 10 cold shoes is 8,336 lbs. They have 4 1/2″ of insulation and are made to fit a 12″ pipe. Their length varies between 18″ to 24″ for 6″ to 12″ of axial movement. The cold shoe is made of polyurethane insulation and A36 carbon steel. They are drop-in-place anchors that only need to be welded into the pipe run and fastened to the pipe rack. They were manufactured to specific design loads and movements for an LNG plant in Georgia.

Want to learn more about pre-insulated supports? View a pre-insulated support webinar today!

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200-C Constant Supports for a Power Plant

October 5, 2005
200-C Constant Supports For A Power Plant
200-C Constant Supports for a Power Plant

These PTP-200 type C constants measure 23″ x 64″. are designed for an operating capacity of 14,400 lbs and a travel range of 4″. The constants are made of A36 carbon steel and weigh 1,770 lbs each. They have been modified to accommodate a specialized spring coil and have a modified casing. Standard load and travel testing were performed prior to shipping to ensure quality.

Do you see a need for constant spring supports in your piping system? Get pricing now!

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