Hot Shoe for a Refining Company

June 21, 2006
Hot Shoe For A Refining Company
Hot Shoe for a Refining Company
Hot Shoe For A Refining Company
PT&P Testing the Insulation

This hot shoe was fabricated from carbon steel, calcium silicate and Firetemp®. Firetemp® is the insulation that carries the load of the pipe. In addition, calcium silicate was also used because it has a lower density, making it a better insulator. This shoe is used as a pipe support and can handle temperatures of up to 1,200F. It measures at 73 in diameter with 5 insulation and weighs 2,391lbs. This hot shoe was expedited in one week per customers request.

Do you require hot shoes for your current or future job? Get pricing today!

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B-Type Constants for a Power Plant in Kentucky

June 14, 2006
B-Type Constants For A Power Plant In Kentucky
B-Type Constants for a Power Plant in Kentucky
B-Type Constants For A Power Plant In Kentucky
B-Type Constants for a Power Plant in Kentucky

These constants were fabricated from carbon steel hardware and structure. The vertical constants are used to support pipes and other equipment. They range from 4 to 6 feet and weigh between 690 lbs to 2,850 lbs. The constants have a total travel capacity of 7 to 8 . Standard load testing was completed to ensure quality and performance.

Want to learn more about constant springs? View a constant webinar today!

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