Custom Elevated Pipe Shoe-Clamp Supports Designed for a 12" Diameter Transfer Line in a Polymer Plant

March 28, 2011

Custom Elevated Pipe Shoe-Clamp Designed For A 12&Quot; Diameter Transfer Line In A Polymer Plant

PT&P designed and manufactured custom elevated pipe shoe-clamp supports for part of a palletizer transfer line in a polymer plant. The custom supports were designed to prevent cracking in the welds and grout base due to severe vibration in the line. The assemblies have an overall height of 48″ with an adjustable load column. The clamp-shoes are 13″ wide by 14″ long, and designed for a 12″ diameter aluminum pipe. The assemblies are carbon steel with a hot-dipped galvanize finish and include a unique laminated vibration dampening lining for the clamp.

Custom Elevated Pipe Shoe-Clamp Designed For A 12&Quot; Diameter Transfer Line In A Polymer Plant










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G-Type Variable Spring Support Assemblies for an Expansion Project at an Oil Refinery

March 14, 2011

G-Type Variable Spring Support Assemblies For An Expansion Project At An Oil Refinery PTP-2 Type-G variable spring support assemblies were designed and fabricated for an expansion project at an oil refinery. The G-type spring is comprised of two standard variable spring housing-coil subassemblies joined together with an intermediate bridge assembly. The bridge assembly is customized to match existing site conditions, which allows for use in applications with limited space or interferences. This particular assembly was provided with extra large channels because the specified C-C dimension of 59″ exceeded the maximum (48″) of our standard G-type variable springs. The housings, internal components and channels were fabricated from carbon steel, and spring steel was used for the coils. The assembly was designed for a total operating load of 24,014 lb. with a design travel of 0.76″ upward.

Want to learn more about variable springs? Watch an instant recording of a past variables webinar. Access-Our-Webinar-Archives

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Hydraulic Snubber vs. Mechanical Snubber

Have you ever wondered which type of  snubber to select for your piping system? Should you pick a hydraulic snubber or should you pick a mechanical snubber? Which one is right for your application? This seems to be a common concern for quite a few of our customers, so we have just recently published an article that discusses the pros and cons for both hydraulic and mechanical snubbers.  Check out the article, Suitability of Snubbers for Various Applications.

Hydraulic Snubber Assemblies For A Lng Processing Facility In Peru
Hydraulic Snubber Assemblies for a LNG Processing Facility in Peru

Do you require snubbers for a current or upcoming project? Get pricing today!


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New Instrument Support Catalog

March 5, 2011

We have a new  recently revamped instrument supports catalog! Our online catalog has a variety of new features that allow you to easily browse through our assortment of instrument stands:

– New color photos of instrument supports

– Selection chart to easily pick the best instrument stand for your application

– New indexes with thumbnails to quickly view a variety of supports

– Improved navigation to easily browse the site

Head on over to our site to check it out! Instrument Supports Catalog

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