Various Variable Support Assemblies for a Power Generation Facility

April 25, 2003
Various Variable Support Assemblies For A Power Generation Facility
Various Support Assemblies for a Power Generation Facility

Piping Technology & Products, Inc. designed and manufactured 85 support assemblies for a power generation facility in Georgia.   These assemblies consisted of Variable and Constant Assemblies and structures made with carbon steel and alloy material. The variable spring hanger assemblies have standard three-bolt clamps and lug attachments for the existing pipes. These variable spring hangers accommodate operating loads varying from 8,000 to 18,000 lb. and 1-1/2 ” of upward travel. PT&P also manufactured a Fig.43 (heavy duty yoke u-bolt) for a 14″ diameter pipe. Components of the Fig. 43 include yoke, U-bolt, shield, and lug. The structure (beam, plate, angle, and tube steel) was painted green as per the customer’s specifications.

Want to learn more about variable springs? Watch a past variable spring webinar today!

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17,000 lbs. Upthrust Constants for a Construction Site

April 18, 2003
 17,000 Lbs. Upthrust Constants For A Construction Site
17,000 lbs. Upthrust Constants for a Construction Site
 17,000 Lbs. Upthrust Constants For A Construction Site
17,000 lbs. Upthrust Constant

Piping Technology & Products, Inc. designed and manufactured sixty nine Upthrust Constants for a construction site in Chad, Africa.  They range in constant size from 31-61 and are composed of A36 carbon steel. The applicable loads and travel for these constants are from 1,700 lbs.-17,000 lbs. and 3”-8”, respectively. The installed height for this job was much higher than our standard constants, so we had to customize them. By extending the height of our standard constant with an additional angle we were able to meet the installed height.

Want to learn more about constant springs? View a past constant spring webinar today!


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Variable Assemblies with Pre-Insulated Pipe Clamps

April 11, 2003
Variable Assemblies With Pre-Insulated Pipe Clamps
Variable Assemblies with Pre-Insulated Pipe Clamps
Variable Assemblies With Pre-Insulated Pipe Clamps
Pre-Insulated Pipe Clamp

Piping Technology & Products, Inc. designed and manufactured several variable assemblies with pre-insulated pipe clamps for a chemical company in Texas. These assemblies are constructed of galvanized carbon steel hangers and hardware with Marinite® insulation.  The fabricated clamps range in size from 10″ to 30″, insulation thickness of 1″ to 8″ and with spring hanger sizes 80-180 standard, double, and triple variable spring hangers.

Do you require variable springs or pre-insulated pipe clamps? Let us price them for you today!

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April 2003 News

April 4, 2003

Keeping Ahead of the Competition

  • Highest, Consistent Performance Balance of Plant Piping Materials Award from Bechtel
  • Scored 100% on Calpine’s Monthly Alliance Quality Performance
  • Obtained ICBO Certification
  • U.S. Bellows is now a proud member of EJMA
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58 Large Diameter Floating Rings for a Refinery in Saudi Arabia

58 Large Diameter Floating Rings For A Refinery In Saudi Arabia
58 Large Diameter Floating Rings for a Refinery in Saudi Arabia
58 Large Diameter Floating Rings For A Refinery In Saudi Arabia
Welding a Large Diameter Floating Ring
58 Large Diameter Floating Rings For A Refinery In Saudi Arabia
58 Large Diameter Floating Rings

Sweco Fab, Inc. recently designed and fabricated 58 floating rings for a Refinery in Saudi Arabia. Ranging from 40″- 155″ in diameter and 12″- 18″ in height, these rings weigh more than 1,500 lbs. each and are made from SA240-316H stainless steel plate with thickness of 1/2″ – 1 1/2″. All rings are fabricated by Full Penetration Weld and examined by dye penetration test.

Do you require floating rings for your current or future project? Let us price them for you today!

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