950 lb. load C-type Constants

September 26, 2003
950 Lb. Load C-Type Constants
950 lb. load C-type Constants

PT&P recently designed and manufactured sixteen PTP-200 C-type constants modified to fit in constricted areas near a furnace of a chemical facility.  These constants are designed to travel from 5 1/2” to 19” and are specified to carry loads ranging from 245 to 924 lbs. They were fabricated from A36 plates with 4140 pins. Due to the proximity of the pipes and other equipment, the front part of the constant frame was cut to allow the pipe to move freely. Load and travel testing was performed to ensure quality and precise performance.

Want to learn more about constant springs? Instantly view a past constant webinar!

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2,650 lb. load C-Type Constants

2,650 Lb. Load C-Type Constants
2,650 lb. load C-Type Constants

Piping Technology and Products, Inc. recently fabricated 22 Carbon Steel PTP 200-C type Horizontal & PTP 100-C type Vertical Constants with sizes from 3 to 27.  The load capacity of the constants spans between 215 to 2650 lbs., with a travel ranging from 1” to 4”.  The three bolt clamps are fabricated from stainless steel material A 240 Gr. 304 for 4″ to 8″ dia. pipes.  The rod and turnbuckle were shortened on two of the constants in order to accommodate situations of small rod take out. Standard load and adjustment testing was performed.

Want to learn more about constants? Instantly view a past constant webinar today!


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Cold Shoes with a Load Capacity of 75,000 lbs

September 19, 2003
Cold Shoes With A Load Capacity Of 75,000 Lbs
Cold Shoes with a Load Capacity of 75,000 lbs
Cold Shoes With A Load Capacity Of 75,000 Lbs
Cold Shoes with a Load Capacity of 75,000 lbs

PT&P recently designed and manufactured over 1,000 Coldshoes for an LNG Plant in Egypt.  These shoes are designed to support loads up to 75,000 lbs. at an operating temperature of -350°F. They are customized to fit pipe sizes of 20”, 24”, 30”, and 36”. All Coldshoes are composed of stainless steel with a Micarta® insulator.  Micarta® is a woven glass fabric laminated with epoxy resin. It is extremely high in mechanical strength, has low moisture absorption and dissipative factors, and has superior electrical characteristics which are exhibited over a wide range of temperatures and humidities.

Do you see a need for cold shoes in your piping system? Get pricing today!

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Cryogenic Supports with Permali® Block

September 16, 2003
Cryogenic Supports With Permali&Reg; Block
Cryogenic Supports with Permali® Block

The above design shows cryogenic supports with Permali® block. Permali® block is a laminated phenolic material from layers of wood impregnated under vacuum and heat with synthetic resin. These pipe shoes can be designed to restrain very high axial, lateral and vertical loads. These shoes are used for LNG pipeline sliding supports with TEF slide plates.

Do you require cryogenic pipe supports for a current or future project? Get pricing today!


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Two 15’-0” long Carbon Steel Sway Struts for a Cycle Unit Project

September 5, 2003
Two 15’-0” Long Carbon Steel Sway Struts For A Cycle Unit Project
Two 15’-0” long Carbon Steel Sway Struts for a Cycle Unit Project

Sweco Fab recently designed and manufactured two carbon steel sway struts with 2” adjustment capabilities for a cycle unit project. The sway strut is constructed of an 8” diameter pipe, 130 ¼” long, assembled with rod ends and brackets for an overall assembly length of 15’-0”. The 2” adjustment capability is accompanied by a load capacity up to 128 KIPS. Sway struts are used to restrain movement of piping in one direction while providing movement from thermal expansion or contraction in another direction.

Do you see a need for sway struts in your piping system? Let us price them for you today!


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